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News (2014-08-04) Links

vhf interservice is now Cenon GmbH

We are proud to announce that as of now we are changing our company name from vhf interservice GmbH to Cenon GmbH... [2014-08-04]

Cenon CAM 4.0 - the next generation

The next generation of Cenon is here! The release 4.0 is a new milestone in the history of Cenon. This major upgrade offers a multitude of important new features and improvements... [2012-08-05]

Cenon CAM 3.9.6 - in focus: Engraving with Pick-Out

The Release 3.9.6 of Cenon, the manufacturing software for Apple Computers, is there... there are so many valuable improvements, that a closer look is needed. Above everything else, we have to focus at the enormous improvements of the Pick-Out Engraving... [2012-03-01]

Cenon CAM 3.9.1 - now released!

Not really a minor release: The release 3.9.1 of Cenon, the Manufacturing Software for Mac, is available now... [2010-05-04]

Cenon CAM is introducing itself

The universal design- and manufacturing software Cenon CAM is introducing itself in a dedicated brochure... [2009-08-20]

Cenon CAM - Camera+Targeting

Cenon's automatic recognition of workpieces with a camera is high on demand. The latest feature for Cenon CAM has been introduced to the marked in spring 2009 and is already surpassing the expactations... [2009-06-29]

Cenon CAM 3.9.0 - now released!

18 months of development and more than 50 considerable improvements - Version 3.9.0 of the Design- and Manufacturing Software Cenon is now available... and a lot has happened... [2009-06-07]

Cenon Astro - Fractal Astrology

We are excited to introduce our Fractal Edition of Cenon Astro. This brand new product starts with a whole set of unique tools for Astrology... [2006-06-22]

Cenon Astro 1.10 - the next step

The new version offers many improvements and some new possibilities. Among other details, we added Aspect Lines as well as an Astro Clock. The Preferences have been reworked completely... [2006-06-22]

Cenon Astro - out of the starting blocks

The Astrology module for Cenon finally has closed it's beta test phase and is now available in version 1.00. For many users of the beta version only a little step, but the proper time to post the news... [2005-01-16]

Cenon - now online as Free Software

During the night from Sunday to Monday (2004-01-11 at 01:19 UTC) Cenon was reborn as free software. With this nightly event, several years of reworking and porting Cenon, finally display their fruits. .. [2004-01-18]

Cenon Core becomes Free Software

The well known Design- and Production software Cenon is heading towards a new era - Free Software. Cenon is now taking the final turn after extensive enhancements and modifications during the last two years. Thousands of hours of development are now close to the quantum leap... [2003-01-31]

Cenon GmbH

Cenon - Graphics Software

Cenon CAM
Cenon CAM - Manufacturing with Style

Tool Parameters
Online Tool Parameter Calculation

Cenon Machining-System

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